Question: 1 / 285

Who is typically responsible for notifying the company of a death claim?

The beneficiary

The insured

The producer

The responsibility for notifying the insurance company of a death claim usually falls to the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the individual designated to receive the life insurance proceeds upon the death of the insured. This person is typically in the best position to know about the death and will have a vested interest in ensuring that the claim is processed in order to receive the benefits.

The insured, being the person whose life is covered, is not responsible for notifying the insurer after their death. The insurance policyholder may be the same person as the insured or someone else altogether, but in either case, they would not be able to notify the insurer posthumously. The producer, or insurance agent, may assist in the claims process, but it is generally the beneficiary's duty to make the initial notification to the company regarding a death claim.

The insurance policyholder


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